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Bluetooth AT Commands (How to Configure and pair two Bluetooth as Master and Slave Mode)


In this tutorial, we will learn how to configure an HC-05 Bluetooth module as Master and Slave. We will also learn how to pair or communicate between two Bluetooth module. 

You can watch the following video below:-

Components Required

The required components list for this project given below:-
  • Arduino Uno
  • Arduino Nano
  • Two HC-05 Bluetooth Module 
  • 2.2K ohm Resistor
  • 1K ohm Resistor
  • 2 Push Button
  • 2 LED
  • Breadboard
  • Some Jumper Wire


Circuit Schematic

Source Code

The slave source code is given below:-
 #define buttonPin 8  
 #define ledPin 7  
 int state = 0;  
 int buttonPinState = 0;  
 void setup() {  
  pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);  
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);  
  digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);  
 void loop() {  
  if (Serial.available() > 0) {  
   state = Serial.read(); // Reads the data from the serial port  
  // data receiving part  
  if (state == '1')  
   digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // led turn on  
  else if (state == '0')  
   digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // led turn of  
  // Data sending Part  
  buttonPinState = digitalRead(buttonPin);  
  if (buttonPinState == HIGH) {  
   Serial.write('1'); // Sends '1' to the master to turn on LED  
  else {  

The master source code is given below:-
 #define buttonPin 4  
 #define ledPin 5  
 int state = 0;  
 int buttonPinState = 0;  
 void setup() {  
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);  
  digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);  
  pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);  
 void loop() {  
  if (Serial.available() > 0) {   
   state = Serial.read(); // Reads the data from the serial port  
   if (state == '1')  
   digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // led turn on  
  else if (state == '0')  
   digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // led turn of  
  // Data sending Part  
  buttonPinState = digitalRead(buttonPin);  
  if (buttonPinState == HIGH) {  
   Serial.write('1'); // Sends '1' to the slave to turn on LED  
  else {  

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